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Our passion is to see every life lived in all its fullness and not one be lost to suicide

In the UK one person dies by suicide every two hours and yet suicide can be prevented.

nature background 1

We believe we will win the race against suicide by setting the PACE. Together in Prayer, Activity, Community, and Education, we will be victorious.



We believe prayer changes everything


We know that physical activity improves mental health
jacky and andrea
community coffee


We run for our family. We run for our friends. We run for ourselves. We run for YOU.


We believe in educating communities in suicide prevention and awareness
safeTALK talk

Watch us

RunningSpace – BBC Unsung Hero South East piece as broadcast on BBC South East

Play Video about running space on the bbc

 “I feel much more confident to ask directly and to talk about and use the word suicide. It made us feel relaxed and not intimidated by the topic. I now understand my possible role as a suicide helper.”



SafeTALK attendee

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We run for our family. We run for our friends. We run for ourselves. We run for YOU

Our Trustees


The trustees of The Pelham are Robert Harper (chair), Jane Dicker, Andrew Garlick and Jeremy Hocking. They are committed to seeing the charity develop, and all play an active role in the governance and oversight of The Pelham as a registered charity (#1158364), as well as guiding the staff team and keeping the organisation sustainable and achieving its aims and objectives. For more charity details, please visit the Charity Commission website.